Monday, March 12, 2007

Want to Have Eclat for Dinner?

The company I work for often use this caterer for our overtime dinner. Sometimes the food is just so.... exotic, it's over the top. Eclat! I'm not really sure now what 'eclat' means in filipino slang but I think it describes the food that this caterer serves accurately. Sometimes I wished they would just cook something 'normal' and 'edible' like fried chicken and mashed potatoes/rice instead of some fancy dish that I couldn't pronounce nor figure out.
And what's with the 'head' for a logo anyway? Do they double up as hairdressers? Or do they cook human heads as part of their menu?

1 comment:

Mia Jewett said...

The meaning of eclat:
Brilliant or conspicuous success or effect; Ceremonial elegance and splendor; Enthusiastic approval.